The Conscious Conception affirmation cards have been carefully and intentionally created as an invitation to return and remember. To those who want an unwavering connection with themselves, their wombs, and their unborn babies, this is for you.
Specifically, for those who are
- currently trying to conceive
- practising conscious conception
- experiencing fertility challenges
- wanting to conceive one day in the future but want a strong foundation to begin their journey
these cards facilitate a safe space for you to drop in and find your truth. As young girls and women, we are encouraged to neglect and disconnect from our power; our womb. The time preparing for conception is a potent offering for deeper connection, intention, and reconnection to our womb space. This magic can be easily missed when we are not in tune and aligned with our centre. This is your invitation.
Included is
- 36 intentionally created cards
- 5 exercise-based cards to bring ritual into your living
- reusable drawstring carry bag
Parts of the journey to parenthood can be experienced in silence and isolation. I want to help you prevent that from the beginning, as each card is a reminder that you are not alone, and to trust what is and what will be.
Conscious Conception Affirmation Cards
“We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." - Emerson
I have spent over 12 months sitting with these cards and what I hope they can inspire and invite for those who find their way to them. From the moment of their conception, sustainability has been at the forefront of their creation.
Women and nature are inextricably connected. It is mother earth and her fertility that offer us this experience of conception, pregnancy, and birth. To truly honour this rite of passage, we must acknowledge that which allows us to bask in the joy, challenges, and love of becoming a parent.
Artwork created by Freya at @ofalchemyandrose, was crafted with earth pigment paints. Production of the cards is by @sustainableprintingco, made from 100% post-consumer waste recycled papers and vegetable-based inks. The carry bag is 100% calico cotton and reusable for the owner's own use. Packaging for shipping is compostable mailer bags made from plant-based materials
It is important to me that the health of our earth is at the forefront of our decisions. I hope the integrity of the cards is felt by those who integrate them into their experience of conception and parenthood.
Purchase and shipping is for Australian residents only.