With my Psychology background (and being a Scorpio through and through), I have a natural inclination to deeply explore and understand all facets of life, especially those that invite profound thought and feeling. As a genuinely curious individual about our minds and souls, I'm always expanding my knowledge by reading or listening to pieces that explore consciousness and women's lived experiences.
As your journey brings forward self-inquiry and spiritual growth, my support ensures you will be seen and supported. Our children offer an incredible gift that can be easily missed when we are not attuned to ourselves but instead wrapped up in the stir of the world around us. They bring forward the hard questions we try to avoid, they ask us to confront our history, challenge our conditioned ways of living and thinking and become mirrors of the parts of ourselves we strive to ignore. It is by giving yourself time and space to consider these facets of life that makes room for deeper love, joy, and self-assurance.
My own experience of womb-localised pain and a disregard by our biomedical system propelled me to dive deep within myself questioning not only my self-view but the views I held of the world I live in. This journey began with the menstrual cycle and the taboo of this very natural occurrence and led me to the rite of passage many women are taught to fear and hide: birth.
I spent years on a deeply connected and beautiful preconception journey, and am committed to sharing the opportunities within the time of preconception and how consciously conceiving our children can change the trajectory not only for our experience but their lifetime.
My own experience of pregnancy, birth and postpartum only fueled the fire that simmers within me to highlight the impact culture has on our individual experiences whilst supporting individuals and families in my community.
I have a fierce commitment to making a positive impact not only for women and men in their experience in our modern, patriarchal society but also for the unique challenges the LGBTQIA+ community faces when family planning.
I am aware, accepting, and encouraging of all the different family dynamics in our colourful world and hope those who feel unacknowledged in a heternormative society can find comfort in being witnessed in my support offerings.
Birth Doula Training - Doula Training Academy
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (Gender and Sexuality)
Hypnobirthing Support Caregivers Course
Birth Physiology Rachel Reed course
Bengkung Belly Binding
Integrative Womb Hara Massage, Yoni Steaming and Moxibustion
COPE Basic Skills in Perinatal Mental Health (ongoing)